One of the perks of partaking in cultural tourism is that it allows one to have a first hand feel of some of the local products that abounds in the locality. Some of these could include, wrist pieces, necklaces, anklets, clothes, Headdresses, foods, and lots more. All of which forms a core part of the people of such community.
That said, it is interesting to know that the local food or delicacy of a people is equally part of their way of life, and by extension their culture. In tourism, it is fondly called the local gastronomy which is the nexus between food and a definite culture.
Overtime, several communities have seen the need to ensure that tourists have a taste of their local food while on a tour of the community. And if words were to take for it, most of the tourists and visitors alike are usually short of superlatives when describing the warm feeling of reception, and most importantly the sumptuous meal they are being treated to.
Source: Bolaji Seun
The art of food preparation, and serving richly appetizing meals makes for some of the beautiful aspects of Cultural tourism. Cultural tourists don’t just want to experience the beauty and scenery of a destination, they also want to discover, experience, taste, research and document however they can the foods of toured localities. And all of these makes for a sustainable society.
So, for those who partake in cultural tourism and put up a bougie show when they are being offered some of the products out of these localities, it’s high time you guys had a change of mind. Because you would have only succeeded in dragging the culture, customs and values of the host communities in the mud, while also sending the wrong message to the locals.
However, as for those asking “what if I visit the Himba people of Nambia, and they offer me their wives for the night. what do I do?”. Well, this question is pressing, and it will be duely answered in my next post “Impacts and Choices during Cultural tourism”.