It’s two days to the end of December, two days till the new year and two days to the longest month in all the 12 months; January!.
The worst part about January is that you don’t know how it happens, one minute you’re eating two laps of chicken and sipping chi exotic and the next, your card is declining at the store when you wanted to buy toothpaste.It all happens so fast, almost unreal.
On today’s article, I’m sorry I am not here to give you tips on how to bind this money sucking demon, I’m just here to lament with you cause e dey suck from me too.
December-january works like a time lapse, or a shock wave or both, not just for you as a person but for your bank account as well. December always starts off so rosy, you just collected your salary of the month before, you’re banking on your work place giving you something “13th month” or just something make you take hold body.
You are planning christmas/new year festives, sewing new cloth, buying gifts, your account is ringing red and you’ve already begun to spend the money you don’t have and by the time the money comes, it takes you for vanishing.
This is the period you begin to think of how you will reduce your number of friends, thoughts like:
“Whick kain person dey get 5 friends, na cult be this? I no suppose get pass 2, Infact 1 and that is Jesus my savior”
“But it’s Jesus’ birthday, shey spirit dey collect gift?”
“But kemi got me something last year?, Wo that is her luck, I did not beg her for it and the perfume sef smells funny”
“I can’t buy anything for Tunde, I don’t want him thinking that is me shooting my shot, Mey his girlfriend no come pour me acid”
In all this, you still want to buy a new pair of shoes for yourself and the money in your account doesn’t match the money you want to spend.
You also cannot subtract anything from the list again. Anyhow, Me I’m selling account enlargment cream 100g-15k.
Rub it on the palm you used to collect money twice daily and your account will double in 3 days, If you have the mind and you can use it to make nice swallow and eat it, In short you will turn to dangote. Yes, I have many testimonies.
If you are not intrested in purchasing this cream I can only give you advice, Don’t kill yourself trying to impress people you will not see again until next december.
For the others, please coment below, we will get this miracle working device across to you.