So it’s Monday again. She won’t stop raring her ugly head, would she? I guess she won’t.
In truth, Mondays are usually not our favorite days, as a matter of fact it has a track record of ruining on our parades. But, we are choiceless, as we have to get our ass up from that bed, dust off and rush to work again.
However, have you ever wondered why you appear weak and not too vibrant whenever you wake up to leave for work? It’s because you’ve not mastered the art of exercising and working out those bones.
So, here are some of the quick fire workout tips to help you stay active and vibrant all week long.
1. Plank it: Plank is one of the best workout routine to engage in. And it requires no equipment or apparatus whatsoever. All you need do is start in a basic push up position but with your elbows on the ground instead of your hands, engage your core and glutes, keep your lower back straight, and hold tight for the prescribed amount of time.
2. Push ups: You think pushups are meant for guys alone? Well, you are wrong. It’s one of finest exercises to do, and it suffices for both male and female. All you need do is know your strength and how many push ups you can do per reps. For guys, on the average, 30 pushups is fine for the morning, and 15 for the ladies.
3. Squats: This is perhaps one of the easiest workout routine. All you need do is position yourself very well, lower you butts with your hands stretched out, then go up and do it again in sequence. Squat is one of the best exercises for the human body, and for the ladies, it also puts your butts in the right position.
Others include the inverted and pivot push ups, sit ups, and loads more. Just pick a suitable one and go at it every other morning, and you’ll get to have a better body shape going into the week.