For the Ninless individuals
The Federal government on December 16, 2020 gave a 2 week deadline for the linking of NIN (National Identity Number) to your sim card. Now if my maths is correct that would mean we had until the 30th of december 2020.
Nigerians have long been known as the pair of people that regardless of the situation will learn to survive, well we no dey do again. The outrage from the citizens regarding the blockage of sims without NIN brought us a 6 week extension from the 30th of december to 9th ferburary 2021.
The change in date wasn’t well too appreciated because, how exactly did they think they were going to pull it off the first time?
When all the money they claim to have pumped into NIMC had developed wings and flown away. Where exactly would they have gotten the facilities to print the temporary version for millions of Nigerians under the span of two weeks, it seems they have not come to terms with thier incompetence.
Nigerians nevertheless have coconut head and have refused to link their sims because get this, you can use your number to get your NIN but that same number is not linked to the NIN??????
Make it make sense, please.
So here are few things that may happen once FG blocks our lines:
1. Become a towncrier: There had to be a reason why this was always taught in computer class and I think this is it. If you know you have proficient skill in knacking two pangolos together to produce noise and will not mind yelling at the top of your voice while walking down the street, this is the job for you.
It may not sound like much but by the time there are no means of communicating, I’m sure it will be a high paying job.
2. MTN, 9mobile and the likes will be heavily indebted: This is not happening because we no longer purchase data but rather the mass borrowing of credit will be ongoing in the last few days of the proposed sim block.
At least say your final goodbyes to the people in Gombe you will not be able to call again, unless of course you send a pigeon.
3. Haters of calls will now have tangible reasons: No calls, no text, no problem. Just vibes and candy crush.
I guess we still have time to figure out this NIN issue, till then wear your mask and sanitize.