This is officially our first post on the lifestyle section of gleetz magazine and we’re glad you still think about us.
2021 is already 4 days in and looks to be on a great start. So I will not jinx it by over-hyping the year but rather tell you how to make the most of the 202fisrt year. See what i did there?
For starters, you will need good music, it is inevident to think you can go about life without bobbing your head from time to time and with artists like Eminem, Tekno, Omah lay, Saint JHN, Taylor Swift, Meghan the Stallion, Amaarae and the endless list. You are rest assured your 202first year will be beautiful.
• Good Company: Waiting for a new year to ‘cut people off’ is an overly exaggerated plot and just tastes funny when you say it, but nonetheless, New year give humans an amazing excuse for a ‘fresh start’ so sifting out that your all too toxic friend would not be to bad. Also, maybe mending all bridges could be a nice idea.
• New year resolutions: Despite the cliche aura that surrounds it, are some times a nice way to kick of the year, I mean something realistic by the way, It can get overwhelming and exciting to write down things you hope to have fulfilled by the end of the year without having a clear view on the year itself but let’s be gentle on ourselves. 2020 already did a lot.
• Take care of yourself: Cannot overemphasize this, invest in yourself, your buisness, your skin, everything that concerns you and will make you happy. Take care of yourself, the goal for this year should be self care, this paralleogram, sorry, pandemonium, abi? Pandemaniac.
Any how, this pancreas has showed us that this life is only one so please take care of yourself and wear a mask.