The internet has been going crazy with stories from employees talking about terrible experiences with their employers, and you can share yours too #toxicboss. The thing about toxicity is sometimes you don’t know you’re in a toxic situation, so we have highlighted a few ways to know if you should quit that place of work before they sack you for not buying the boss’s birthday gift.
1. They used to do amebo: If gossip is the order of the day, please run because it will reach your turn, and gossip around coworkers breeds toxicity, imagine amaka from HR knowing you were drunk yesterday night because you told your ‘friend.’
2. They don’t used to do amebo: Why such? Everyone keeps to themselves, carrying nose for everyone and with heads in the cloud. You cannot even say you love your place of work because there is nothing to worship apart from the money.
3. You people are one big family: ‘brethren we will be fasting for one week’ I’m sorry, you say? Fasting for??? If your workplace constantly uses this ‘family’ term and tries to lump you into unnecessary work because you call your boss daddy instead of sir, I sorry for you.
4. Everybody’s middle name is Linus; Pathological liars, all of them. Nobody knows how to tell the truth, and it shows. It will even extend to ‘my mother’s cousin stepbrother died in a shipwreck yesterday.’
5. You cannot keep your coke in the fridge: Gbomo gbomo, but for food, if food in the company fridge does disappear, my dear, that place is toxic, drop them like a hot potato, the one you didn’t get to eat.