Tourism O’ clock is a profound ‘for Africans by Africans’ initiative that was well thought out by Gleetz magazine’s Kayode Adegunloye_ a Tourism professional who has relentlessly grown into the field of travel and tourism over the years with a decent share of experience under his belt in the industry.
After recently bagging a masters degree in Tourism development and Sustianability Studies from the prestigious University of Ibadan, Nigeria and seeing the ignorance and a probable lack of interest in the field from people play right before his own eyes, he decided to take it upon himself to sensitize the populace as best as he can.
He feels the urgency for people to understand that all work and no play makes everybody a dull being, hence comes in the comprehension of what a work-life balance which is a big deal in many developed countries of the world. Often times, people fall sick, break down and most times than not, end up in hospital beds simply because they’ve worked out their asses with little thoughts given to relaxation and fun. Well, according to research, one of the surest ways to balance your work and life is by engaging tourism related activities like sight-seeing, Sports, picnics etc.
Away from much talks, the already brewing e-interveiw session with some of the ace personalities in the tourism sphere within and outside the country is just a mild way of starting off what is expected to serve as an enlightenment, insightful, entertaining and an educative read, and all that there is to be done is for everyone to just play the part.
Consequently, during the course of this week, the first episode of the Tourism Ace e-interview session on Tourism O’Clock with Kayomide will be released for perusal, and it would make huge sense if we all endeavour to key in and also engage by allowing ourselves get called to action through your comments and submissions.
It’s going to be Informative, interesting, insightful from an African and Cultural perspective as well as concise to ensure easy readability.