Like play like play valentine is two days away. Procrastinators must be having pre-melt downs now because they probably most definitely have not gotten a gift for their val, don’t worry, we have you covered, I have prepared a listicle about things you can get your val on a short time frame, will likely share it tomorrow or Monday, with procrastinators it doesn’t really matter yunno?
Let’s get down to the tea for today; No valentine? No problem, we have got you covered.
1. Don’t buy data bundle: For the sake of your crippling mental health, stay off social media, no one likes a downsy daisy, if you have already bought data throw your phone away or better still break your sim so your ex cannot mistakenly call you.
2. Stay indoors: This way you ensure the love that is in the air doesn’t hit you thus triggering your insecurities, leading to projections and we don’t want that, so turn on the tv, watch NTA and eat hard popcorn.
3. Read your bible: If you time it correctly, by the end of the day, you should be done with at least three books. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, no? come out of this a bonafide brother/sister in Christ.
4. Invest in Crypto or NFT: The money you didn’t use to buy val’s package should be put to good use, buy the dip, and show them that money is greater than love.
5. Plan for next year: You are just using this year to watch and see so you will know how to strategize yourself and all the funds you would have earned from crypto this year, combined with the fact that you are now a tongue speaking brethren, you will be hot kek.
Failure to plan is planning to fail. If you want to do something at all do it well.