With the sporadic upsurge in vices and mayhem here and there during this festive period, which of course has become more of a norm recently, here are a few things to avoid during this season;
• Avoid taking long road trips: This doesn’t need to be overflogged. It’s evident that the country isn’t too safe these days, especially with the increase in crimes being perpetrated on our roads. It will only be foolhardy to keep yourself on the road for lengthy hours during this period.
• Do not hangout unnecessarily: Okay, it’s understandable that it’s the festive season, and rightly so there will be countless parties and events here and there. However, the good news is that you can choose not to attend every one of them. Try your best to carefully pick where you go.
• Stop the habit of night crawling: Why should you even night crawl to start with? You no be thief na. When twilight is getting into the thickest part, do well to be indoors. As a matter of fact whenever it’s getting late during this period, be sure that the only thing you’re doing is that your feet is carrying you towards your abode.
• Do not engage in home delivery services: Rendering home delivery services have quickly become somewhat a big deal these days. Many months ago, a couple of young persons got either killed, raped or violated in one way or the other while making home deliveries. Although that wave has settled a bit, but then again this is December and these hoodlums would want to cash out once again, so whatever you involve yourself in, try not to engage in rendering home delivery services. Meet up with your clients in open spaces and during the day too.