Have you been having troubles packing light for your trips? I’m here to help you with the burden. Read this bit and let me know what you think.
1. Use a carry-on or backbag:
The idea behind this is that a backbag helps you easily brisk away. You don’t want to start foot dragging and getting stuck because of too many bags. So, when it’s a weekend trip or even a week-long trip, all you need do is tuck your items in a carriable backbag and off you go.
2. Pack mixable wears:
What this means is that when packing, ensure to pack wears that can easily go with each other without clashing when you don them. For instance, a pair of T-shirt, a jean and perhaps a beanie. Any other T-shirt would seamlesly go with that same jean you packed. That way, all you need do is get one more pair of jean and a couple of T-shirts and you’re just about good.
3. Pack Multipurpose shoes:
Depending on what your trip is all about. For an analogy, if you’re traveling for vacation. You probably don’t need a Derby boot, moccasin or the monk strap shoes. Those ones would suffice more within your office walls, except of course your packed clothes would require them sha.
Instead, pack those good looking sneakers and slides. The truth is that you can still wear a T-shirt, pants trousers and complete your looks with a sneakers. Just think about it_ yeah, exactly.
But if your trip is work related, just grab your loafers and maybe a brogue. These two can still suit almost every other wears.
4. Pack only the most important items: Your toothbrush, hair brush, wrist watch, headphone, reuseable water bottle and pretty much any other item that is of importance to you. Remember, you are packing light, it’s no time to start packing every piece of items lying around the house.
5. Fold your clothes in a Marikondo: Okay, this is quite simple. don’t let the English scare you to bits, LOL. The marikondo way of folding is a style of packing your clothes so much that each piece looks like a piece of shawarma. Yeah, you’re getting the idea right?
This style of folding makes for more space in your little backbag when packing light. You can even marikondo your socks, phone charger, power bank and other small items when rolling. It makes for extra space for other items of importance.
So when next you intend to travel light, come back to spy on this content, and don’t forget to use the marikondo style too. Let us know if this piece has been helpful.
See you around!