Thrift clothes, originally known as bend down select in Nigeria have quickly become a fashion movement.
With social media capitalizing on this market that was mostly created for people who can’t afford designers, it could be argued that these clothes have encountered a ridiculous hike in prices and no longer serve the process that they were created for.
It can be said that the cause of this is the romanticizing of poverty, especially in a country like Nigeria where we usually engage in suffer head Olympics.
Because while these clothes have been made readily accessible to everyone by removing the stress and in some cases embarrassment factor when going to get these clothes by oneself, and posting the items on social media platforms like Instagram, it has also reduced the chances of a demographic of people, the clothes were created for to get them.
As vendors purchase these clothes in bulk, the prices inevitably go up from ‘poor’ people who just want to wear quality clothes.
This is good for the buyers but not for the initial consumers the market was created for.
Yes it has it’s pros but also it’s cons, but thrift fashion seems like it’s here to stay.