The classical way to prove you have attained a superior level of wealth and influence as a Nigerian is to get a pet.
Naming that pet can be quite annoying so here are five wonderful Nigerian names to give your pet.
1. Gbenga:
We hardly come across baby Gbenga’s, uncle Gbenga’s straight. But when you name your pet Gbenga you can watch one grow.
2. Mercy:
There is a common misconception surrounding girls named Mercy, so when you get your dog or cat or even rabbit you can name her Mercy and prove to the world that not all Mercys are bad.
3. After that uncle/aunt you do not like:
Next time they come visiting ensure you call your pet constantly and consciously for no reason exactly.
4. Eze:
Easy to customize name tags and when you come in contact with colonizers you can say his name is king.
5. Abdul:
Because that is what every rich boy in abuja’s name is.
So, to show that not only do you have wealth and affluence, your pet has too.
If you are attacked for any of these names. We are not to blame.