If you’re like me and are scared shitless of catching this not so new disease, the god child of coronavirus, but also does not really wear mask for the virus but to hide from my enemies then here are few things you need to know about omicron that you most definitely did not know.
1. It’s origin is unknown, well that’s not frightful at all, lolllllll and it’s easier to catch because the current vaccines may not work on it. Coronavirus and it’s team are really working overtime
2. It spreads faster, I think we already know that but it’s symptoms are less severe. I guess that’s good for you know…. Life?
3. We now may need three instead of two doses of the vaccine, a booster dose of Covid 19 vaccine also protects against the new variant.
4. Unfortunately, South Africans have been banned from traveling into most countries as that is where the first strain of the virus was found
5. Just because it is less severe doesn’t mean we should stop wearing our masks and observing the safety measures, we’ve all been in a pandemic before we know that this could go from 0 to 100 real quick so please wear your masks, and stay safe