So, it appears the yuletide is fast closing in on us. Faster than we can possibly imagine. But then that’s totally fine too. yeah? And for some good reasons I feel like you are wondering what your bucket list for the festive period could look like, wonder not_I’m here to ease your hassle, afterall that’s why you have me, and you can trust me to indulge you sweetly.
The under listed are a few activities you can plan up to make your yuletide a sumptuous one. Just skim through carefully, I bet you’ll find one that gels with you. For those who intend to remain within the shores of the country though.
1. Plan a hangout with your folks:
This shouldn’t be a tough call, right? right??. Well, it’s as easy as you just read it. Every clique has one or two persons who could fill in well as the ‘life of the party’. So all you need do is carefully comb around and find a very cool spot that would suffice for the hangout. That way, you don’t even get to spend much on trips or anything.
2. Organize a house party:
Well, Just like number one above. This one shouldn’t be neckbreaking too. All there is to be done is pick a venue_ one that could simply be provided by any of those in your corner. Ensure it’s a very decent apartment that can seamlessly accommodate you guys.
Thereafter, get some physical games like board/card games, console etc. Although at some point, you’ll get to play self-curated games like charade, truth or dare, fastest picks, Sentence tussle and lots more_ and that’s when the real fun starts. But, ensure that you guys are in sync and most importantly be sure to invite people of like minds to the house party, else they might just end up ruining the plan with their “slow-mo”. That’s it! Oh! And yeah, don’t forget to buy plenty of booze, foods and munchables for the house. Una go need am!.
3. Write a gratitude journal:
Okay, the idea behind this is to keep you glued to the notes for sometime. Wondering how to go about it? Worry not your little head. Lol_ So to write a gratitude journal, simply get a notepad and list out people who have impacted you and have been instrumental to your growth in one way or the other all year long.
Note, growth in this case may be spiritual, physical, material, or what have you. Just generally people who have been of immense value to you throughout the year.
List out their names alphabetically, do a little pictural design for each person and celebrate on your SM platforms accordingly. You’ll be astonished at the reviews you’ll get and most importantly you’ll end up enjoying it.
4. Attend a Fest:
It’s a no brainer that this time of the year is more than likely to be filled and saturated with loads of fun activities. From one carnival, to another Event and sturvs like that sha.
However, whatever you do, try to attend any of these Fests. It could be a cultural or indigenous themed one or even a Social media related Fest. Just try to attend one. Meet people, network, bond and literally explore.
5. Join a Tour group:
So, if the aforementioned lots doesn’t quite resonate with you. This last one should. Thankfully, there’s an abundance of tour groups and companies available to pick from. So why not?
Calmly check for them online, especially on Instagram and skim through the trips they have on ground for December, Check your wallet and find which one of them won’t break you. Trust me you’ll definitely find one that suits you. Subscribe to it and go on that beautiful group trip with other people of like minds. (should you have misgivings on which of the tour groups to join, send me a classified message and I’ll be here to refer you to some of the best in the business).
Xoxo, I know you have the urge to thank me, but c’mon. What are friends for? Just enjoy!