I would have liked to start off this piece with a short prayer for the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) but I’m afraid I’ll spin off into a round of curses.
Yesterday, 27th Friday November, ASUU declared that thier back and forth with the Nigerian government concerning the salaries paid to it’s staff had come to an end and the strike that ensued due to the disagreement will be raised, I.e school go soon resume.
If you’re like me, there’s a bitter sweet feeling in your belly concerning this news because;
1. You do not want school to resume: Since the pandemic and the strike you have actually learnt how to survive without school and are even making some money for yourself, going back to school feels like a big elephant about to sit on you. Just oomf!
2. You want school to resume because why?: This disrespect is getting much.
“Seyi go and wash my clothes”
Shebi it is because you saw me in the house that is why.
3. You lowkey want to fornicate:
Many of us have our “real life” within and around the school premises.
Since you came back home you’ve been living your parents reality and sadly theirs does not involve conji.
4. You want to get it over the fuck with:
Let me just get this school stuff done with, some people were called back in their final year!!!!!
The frustration will be like hot bole in their throat, it is not going up or going down.
5. You are contemplating dropping out:
“You know what? Maybe school isn’t for me”, “this period has really been shitty”
While school is not compulsory to some people’s success story but you, yes you. You that just doesn’t want to see last semesters result ehn you, better face your fears and stop running up and down like chicken.
We will still pray for ASUU sha, they should at least push this thing to January, because tailor has already measured me as I am, If I go to school, fitted gown will turn to agbada.