Perhaps it’s failsafe to believe that any event that doesn’t have people donning the prestigious asooke is not a complete occasion, although with regards to proper weddings and other flamboyant events as the case may be. Overtime the asooke has been in trend and it appears the fact that we are in the 21st century won’t be enough to banish it from our classy events.
Oluyemi Asooke is an extra creative outfit doing magic with the asooke, using it to make different lovely styles. Also an asooke vendor who deals with quality asooke for various occasions, brides and grooms traditional attires, the agbada for the latter and the handcut iro which is the bride’s wrapper as well as the head tie (gele) and the ipele to match.
Contact Details:
12, Ominije Arcade Shopping Complex,
Beside BTO Hall, Akure.
IG: @oluyemiasooke or Call 08034462105